Propel Your Startup to Success with Expert Technical Mentorship and Guidance

CTO as a Service

Launching and scaling a startup is a complex, challenging endeavour. Many entrepreneurs struggle to navigate the countless obstacles that arise, from securing funding to building an effective team and developing a winning strategy.

Agitate: Without the right guidance and support, startups risk stagnation, wasted resources, and failure. To maximise their chances of success, entrepreneurs need access to experienced mentors who can provide valuable insights, connections, and advice.

Solution: Gavin Reddrop's Startup Acceleration and Mentorship program offers personalised, one-on-one guidance to help startups overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. Drawing from his extensive experience as a startup founder and business innovation expert, Gavin provides tailored advice, actionable strategies, and valuable connections to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of building and scaling a successful business.


  • Gain expert guidance and personalised advice from an experienced startup founder and business innovation expert
  • Develop tailored strategies and action plans optimised for your startup's unique challenges and goals
  • Access valuable connections, resources, and potential investors through Gavin's extensive network


  1. Initial Consultation: Free, no-obligation discussion to understand your startup's goals, challenges, and needs
  2. Personalised Assessment: Evaluation of your startup's current status, strengths, and areas for improvement
  3. Strategy Development: Creation of customised strategies, action plans, and milestones to drive growth and success
  4. Implementation and Monitoring: Ongoing support, advice, and mentorship as you implement the strategies and navigate challenges
  5. Regular Check-ins: Scheduled progress assessments to celebrate achievements, adapt strategies, and ensure continuous improvement and growth

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